Sterling Tools Ltd (STL) was incorporated in 1979. The company was listed in 1995 and is trading on Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) as well as National Stock Exchange (NSE). A premier producer of cold forged hi-tensile fasteners, 85% of STL revenues are from Auto OEMs. The company enjoys a good reputation with its customers and caters to all segments of the Auto industry through its 4 plants located in North and South India as well as customers in the U.S., Europe, South America and the Middle East.
The Company has continuously evolved to meet the ever-changing needs of the Auto industry. With Electrification becoming the new frontier for the Auto industry, STL established an E-Mobility Division with the objective of supporting Auto OEMs with leading-edge technology products in the Auto Electronics and Electric Vehicle domains. The focus has been on identifying technology partners and driving technology transfer and localization so as to provide customers with technology and pre as well as after sales support adapted to Indian requirements.
The establishment of Sterling Gtake E-Mobility Ltd. (SGEM) is a testament to this commitment to Indian Auto customers. SGEM is a Joint Venture between Sterling Tools Ltd. and Jiangsu Gtake Electric Co. Ltd. that has been at the forefront of EV value chain by offering localized Motor Control Units (MCUs) for Battery & Hybrid Electric Vehicles in India.

Sterling Tools Incorporated
Plant 1 Commissioning
Initial Public Offering
Plant 2 (WDU) Commissioning
Plant-2 Commissioning
Started Honda Dealership
JV with Fabory for SCM
Business Collaboration Agreement with Meidoh Co. of Japan
IATF-16949 Certification for Sterling Tools
E Mobility Division established to drive EV Component Technology acquisition
Touched INR 500 Crores in Revenue
Plant -4 Commissioning
JV with Jiangsu Gtake Electric to localize Motor Control Units assembly
Creation of Development Lab & Test Infrastructure
Q2 2020
Installation of Manufacturing Equipment
Q3 2020
Board Level Population
Q1 2021

Electric Vehicles in India are still in “Introduction’ stage on a Market Lifecycle curve. However, SGEM firmly believing it to be the future key to various opportunities, has started making investments in developing desired capabilities to gain an early-mover advantage. SGEM intends to deliver following advantages to its customers, viz;
- Capturing INDIAN application Requirements
- Systems Engineering and In-house Validation
- Application Development & Support
- Optimized MCU & Motor Pairing
- Exhaustive Range encompassing all
Vehicle Categories, Motors & Sensor Types

- Diverse Portfolio covering all Voltage & Power Ranges
- Localized Production
- Best in class after sales support
- User friendly and MM interface